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Mountain Lion (10.8+). If this is the first installation of MELTS, install an X11 server, which ensures that the MELTS executable will launch: Download XQuartz from  The image below is from a system running OS X Mountain Lion 10.8.5, does not have OS X El Capitan installed on it or even the Install OS X El Capitan.app on its  苹果电脑macOS/Mac OS X 各版本系统镜像下载. MacBook Pro 13寸Retina 2012年末, 2012年10月, 10.8.5, 10.15.7, 10.15.7, -. MacBook Pro 13/15寸2012年中  Beginning Sunday, October 5, 2014, all Mac users on OS X 10.8.4 or higher will receive a prompt to download and install the Launcher when logging in to a live  Download Mac OS X 10.8 Mountain Lion. MacOS X Mountain Lion 10.8.5.app (4.47 Gb): Direct download; Bootable MacOS X Mountain Lion 10.8.5.iso:  Prefer the Mac App Store version). CLI, v21.03. DyLib, v21.03. 10.5 (Leopard), 10.6 (Snow Leopard), 10.7 (Lion), 10.8 (Mountain Lion), 10.9 (Mavericks), Apache OpenOffice supports Apple OS X version 10.7 (Lion), 10.8 (Mountain Lion), 10.9 The last OpenOffice version supporting Mac OS X 10.4 (Tiger), 10.5 

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An issue that prevented the previous version of the Zoom client from being installed on Mac OS 10.8.5 has been resolved. An intermittent issue  No files for this release. Python 3.8.9 - April 2, 2021. Download macOS 64-bit Intel installer · Python 3.9.2 - Feb. 19  1 legacy binary for Mac OS X 10.6 (Snow Leopard) - 10.8 (Mountain Lion), signed package. Contains R 3.2.1 framework, R.app GUI 1.66 in 64-bit for Intel Macs. Best practices for updating your Mac's OS · Download CCC 4. Carbon Copy Cloner 4.1.24 is compatible with Mountain Lion (10.8), Mavericks (10.9), Yosemite  The latest stable version of FileZilla Client is 3.53.1. Please select the file appropriate for your platform below. Mac OS X Operating system logo. Download version 9.7.6; 64 bit version for Intel Macs; requires Mac OS X 10.8 up to 10.11; new features of Mountain Lion, Maverick, Yosemite and El Capitan are supported 

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